Club run routes

Winter Routes

Winter Club runs, early nights, cold, icy, but do we care NO!!! We are hardy runners, depite the weather we shall be out there…  Here you will find a selection of the runs we found worthy of us hardy peelers during the winter months.

The plan for the winter routes will be the listed 9 routes followed by the same routes in reserve.

  1. Go left past tennis courts & skate park
  2. Head right over river bridge
  3. Go through car park & over bridge,
  4. Turn left and bear right,
  5. Head past the Lady Bridge pub on your left
  6. Keep straight ahead, cross over, pass Gym, continue ahead.
  7. Go over canal bridge, pass Florascape and continue ahead.
  8. Cross over at junction and head for Mile Oak traffic lights.
  9. Turn left – go all the way down to Fazeley.
  10. Cross the road & get onto Bonehill Road
  11. Head straight on towards Mile Oak traffic lights
  12. Turn left onto Lichfield Street,
  13. Head towards Two Gates traffic lights
  14. Turn left onto Tamworth Road
  15. Keep going until reach T junction with the Balti 2000 take away on your right
  16. Turn right and go left over A5 bypass bridge with the old pub on your left
  17. Head up the Kettlebrook Road
  18. Turn left onto Campion Drive
  19. Turn right onto Peelers Way
  20. Under bridge and left round castle grounds back to skate park (or back over wobbly bridge via Snowdome)

Main route to Fazeley Island then Fazeley Road back to Snowdome.

  1. Head through castle grounds and turn right before bridge through castle grounds
  2. Turn left  & then turn right under road bridge
  3. Turn left up & climb the steps onto Bolebridge Street
  4. Turn right into Saxondrive
  5. Head onto Offadrive
  6. Turn right onto Upper Gungate with the college is on the right
  7. Turn right into Ashby Road
  8. Turn left into Browns Lane
  9. Head onto Gillway Lane
  10. Straight onto Coton Lane
  11. At the Fox Pub, turn left into Lichfield Road
  12. Following the road onto Lichfield Street
  13. Turn right Silver Street with Castle Hotel on your right
  14. Head over the river bridge
  15. Turn left over the small bridge through car park
  16. Head over the river bridge
  17. Through the tennis courts to stake park

As main route to Fountain junction left along Comberford Road pick up main route left into Coton Lane.

  1. Head through castle grounds and turn right before bridge through castle grounds
  2. Turn left on the main footpath
  3. Turn right under road bridge heading towards Amington Road
  4. Head up the Tamworth Road
  5. Turn right into Woodhouse Lane with Tesco and Old Liberal House Pub on left
  6. Head up the hill
  7. At the top turn left
  8. Head towards the Kerria Centre
  9. Follow the paths crossing under B5000
  10. Head through Glascote Heath
  11. Follow paths until the A5 bypass bridge in Kettlebrook is reached
  12. Turn left onto Campion Drive
  13. Turn right onto Peelers way
  14. Under bridge and left round castle grounds back to skate park (or back over wobbly bridge via Snowdome)

As main route to downhill path side of Tamworth Stadium turn right along path to Bamford Street and back down Glascote Road (same as first part of route 4).

  1. Past tennis courts and right onto castle grounds path
  2. Turn left on the main footpath
  3. Turn right under subway leading onto Glascote Road
  4. Turn right into Bamford Street
  5. Turn left at St Georges Church through to Neville Street
  6. Turn right follow the road leading onto Jowett
  7. Turn left, follow path up to traffic lights on Marlborough Road,
  8. Cross over and follow paths,
  9. Turn left just after Tamworth Athletics club through to Silver Link Road,
  10. Turn right follow road
  11. Turn left at B5000 cross over at lights,
  12. Turn right and left into Woodland Road follow road round
  13. Turn left into Woodhouse Lane, Amington to the T Junction
  14. Turn left into Tamworth Road
  15. Follow the road leading into Amington Road to the railway arches,
  16. Follow the paths round following river to tennis courts and back to skate park

As main route till B5000, instead of turning right to Woodlands Road carry on down B5000 to next Island right down Sheepcote Lane left down Monks Way rejoin main route Tamworth Road Amington.

  1. Turn right at tennis courts under canal bridge and right round back of Snowdome under bridge to Peelers way
  2. Turn left into Campion Drive
  3. Turn right into Kettlebrook Road
  4. Head over the A5 bypass bridge
  5. Head right onto Tamworth Road with the Balti 2000 take away on your left
  6. Follow the road up to Two Gates traffic lights
  7. Cross over Watling Street onto Dosthill Road
  8. (Optional loop around Blackwood Road)
  9. Head to the Tesco garage
  10. Turn left onto Hedging Lane
  11. Head all the way up the hill
  12. At the top at the T Junction, turn left into Hockley Road
  13. Head all the way until you reach Watling Street
  14. Cross over onto Glascote Lane, with Wilnecote Church on your left
  15. Turn left onto paths just before the A5 bypass bridge
  16. Turn left again and follow paths until the A5 Bypass bridge at Kettlebrook is reached
  17. Head over the bridge
  18. Follow Kettlebrook Road
  19. Turn left onto Campion Drive and then right onto Peelers Way
  20. Under bridge and left round castle grounds back to skate park (or back over wobbly bridge via Snowdome)

As main route to Hedging Lane left up Ninian Way left old A5 Two Gates lights back in pick up main route Kettlebrook.

  1. Go right round tennis courts along castle grounds
  2. Turn right under subway leading onto Glascote Road
  3. Continue up the Glascote Road to Sheepcote Lane Island
  4. Turn right onto Marlborough Road
  5. Follow the paths/pavements keeping to the right
  6. Cross over the A5 bypass roundabout, passing Morrisons and reaching Watling Street roundabout.
  7. Continue straight on to Ninian Way
  8. Turn right at T Junction into Hedging Lane
  9. Turn right at T Junction onto Tamworth Road, Dosthill
  10. Cross over Watling Street at traffic lights
  11. Continue on Tamworth Road all the way down to the Junction with Balti 2000 takeaway on your right
  12. Turn right and go left over A5 bypass bridge with pub on your left
  13. Follow Kettlebrook Road and turn left onto Campion Drive
  14. Turn right onto Peelers way
  15. Under bridge and left round castle grounds back to skate park (or back over wobbly bridge via Snowdome)
  1. Go right round tennis courts along castle grounds
  2. Turn right under subway leading onto Glascote Road
  3. Continue up the Glascote Road to Sheepcote Lane Island
  4. Turn right onto Marlborough Road
  5. Follow the paths/pavements keeping to the right
  6. Cross over the A5 bypass roundabout, passing Morrisons and reaching Watling Street roundabout.
  7. Turn right onto Watling Street until reaching traffic lights at Two Gates
  8. Turn right on to Tamworth Road continue until reaching T Junction with Balti 2000 takeaway on your right
  9. Turn right and go left over A5 bypass bridge with pub on your left
  10. Follow Kettlebrook Road and turn left onto Campion Drive
  11. Turn right onto Peelers way and left round castle grounds back to skate park (or back over wobbly bridge via Snowdome)
  1. Go left past tennis courts and left towards river bridge
  2. Head right over river bridge
  3. Go through car park & over bridge,
  4. Turn left and bear right,
  5. Head past the Lady Bridge pub on your left
  6. Keep straight ahead, cross over, pass Gym, continue ahead.
  7. Go over canal bridge, pass Florascape and continue ahead.
  8. Cross over at junction and head for Mile Oak traffic lights.
  9. Turn left – go all the way down to Fazeley.
  10. Turn left and left again down County Drive
  11. When you come back onto Fazeley Road turn left.
  12. Cross over & follow path back
  13. Head under the subway
  14. Head over the river bridge and make your way back to Skate Park

Mile Oak/County Drive miss out County Drive as per Route 1.

  1. Turn right at tennis courts and follow castle grounds
  2. Follow path and go under road bridge heading for Amington Arch.
  3. Continue up Amington Road until you reach Woodhouse Lane (TESCO).
  4. Carry on up Woodhouse Lane and go right at top of hill and then left onto Jasmine Road.
  5. Turn right and go full length of Woodlands Road
  6. Follow path round to crossing and cross over.
  7. Go left and follow it round and down Silverlinks.
  8. At the bottom the road bears right and you will take the left hand path towards the Stadium.
  9. Before stadium cross over road bridge on left and follow blackpath round lake, across small bridge.
  10. Turn left and follow path to end.
  11. Turn right and go up to Wilnecote Church.
  12. Turn right – continue down to island & cross.
  13. Keep along A5 until you reach traffic lights at Two Gates.
  14. Turn right and keep straight until you reach flyover.
  15. Go over and continue to Campian Drive on your left.
  16. Go down Campian Drive and  turn right down Peelers Way and back via castle grounds triangle or Snowdome

As per main route to path by Belgrave Lakes turn right along our regular path to Wilnecote Lane and rejoin main route at Kettlebrook.

  1. Turn right at tennis courts under canal bridge and right round back of Snowdome under bridge to Peelers way
  2. Turn left onto Campian Drive – turn right at end onto Kettlebrook Road.
  3. Go over flyover  – follow Kettlebrook  Road up to Two Gates lights.
  4. Turn left onto Wattling street and go all the way up to island.
  5. Cross the Marlborough Way island heading up the full length of quarry hill.
  6. Turn left at the top – go down Penine Way to the B5000 island.
  7. Go left and keep going straight on – up Beyer close – under underpass.
  8. Keep straight on until you reach the Glascote Road
  9. Down Glascote Road until you reach the arches.
  10. Go under and head for crossing.
  11. Cross and follow path under subway to castle grounds.
  12. Go down Campian Drive and turn right down Peelers Way and back via castle grounds triangle or Snowdome

As main route to old A5 junction Marlborough Way along there to B5000 and rejoin main route.

Summer Routes

Summer, running off road, across meadows – this is the life!
Have a browse around the routes we have devised over the years. They are all around the 10K distance. Our summer routes involve trails & off road routes whilst the weather & light allow us.

  1. Turn right at tennis courts under canal bridge and right round back of Snowdome under bridge to Peelers way
  2. Proceed down Peelers Way & on to the Canal
  3. Head Right & Continue along tow path to the Tame Otter pub at Hopwas
  4. Cross the car park & turn right
  5. Head pass the cottages to the fork in the road
  6. Take the left hand lane to the bottom of the road
  7. As the road starts to climb, climb of the metal gate or stile on the left hand side
  8. Head over the meadow alng the river
  9. Keep the river on your left continue over the fields
  10. Cross over the stile & back in Tamworth
  11. Leave the meadow via irongate
  12. Turn right, then left & over the Green Bridge over the river
  13. Follow the path back to Skate Park

Show map

  1. Turn right at tennis courts under canal bridge and right round back of Snowdome under bridge to Peelers way
  2.   Proceed down Peelers Way & on to the Canal
  3.   Head Right & Continue along toepath to Fazeley Junction
  4.   Go over the Canal Bridge
  5.   Continue alng the canal until you reach the white ridge at Drayton Manor
  6.   Run up the Drayton Manor Drive & follow the road to the right
  7.   Head up the lane & at the top go left
  8.   Continue to the main road heading for Mile Oak
  9.   Run down the right hand footpath unil you reach the right hand turn into Bonehill
  10.   Follow the road until you reach Gravel Lane turn right here
  11.   Continue left down a dirt track to canal bridge
  12.   Turn right at the bridge
  13.   Follow the canal tow path – turn left off path at metal fence over river. (Barrowpit)
  14.   Go down wooden steps.   Turn left along narrow dirt path.
  15.   Follow grass path to road bridge -leave via slope.
  16.   Turn right and head back to main river bridge and back to Skate Park
  1. Turn right at tennis courts under canal bridge
  2.   Head under the road bridge for Amington Arches
  3.   Continue ahead & take 1st left for Moor Lane
  4.   Follow the road & dirt track to the Railway Bridge
  5.   Head straight on & follow the path all the way (heading right) to the junction
  6.   Continue up a slight climb
  7.   Proceed through the gap in the hedge
  8.   Head right & follow the path
  9.   Take a left at the corner of the field
  10.   Carry on down until you reach the metal gate on the right
  11.   Go through or over the gate heading for the farm buildings
  12.   Cross the metal bridge
  13.   Cross over the stile on the right
  14.   Proceed down the concrete path to the gate on the left
  15.   Go through or over the gate or stile
  16.   Proceed down the concrete pathCotniue up the dirt track & narrow path up to the farm
  17.   Go through the metal gate on the right
  18.   Follow the lane & continue through the trees down the narrow path reaching the Anglers Car Park at the bottom on the right
  19.   Head over the stile & go straight along the edge of the field
  20.   Head over the style on your left & turn right
  21.   Continue along the right hand edge of the fence until you reach another stile
  22.   Continue over the stile & bear right & left along the edge of the field to the gate & stile
  23.   Head over the stile & down the left hand side of the field by the hedge
  24.   This brings you to a wooden bridge over the river.
  25.   Head over the bridge & turn left
  26.   Go diagonally across the field to the next stile in the corner of the field.
  27.   Head over the stile & up passed the stables on your right
  28.   Head over the Railway Bridge
  29.   Proceed straight ahead & cross the road
  30.   Get back onto the Canal Tow Path on your right
  31.   Head under the road bridge & follow the path to Bolehall Bridge
  32.   Leave the canal tow path here
  33.   Proceed up & down the road to the Amington Arches & back into the Castle Grounds
  34.   Head back along castle grounds to Skate Park
  1. Turn right at tennis courts under canal bridge
  2.   Head under the road bridge for Amington Arches
  3.   Head up the Amington Road to Bolehall Shops
  4.   Get onto the Canal tow path left left to Amington
  5.   Follow the tow path all the way to Alvecote Marina
  6.   Head under the road bridge & pick up the dirt path on your left
  7.   Follow the path until you reach a metal gate
  8.   After the gate follow the path until yu come to the bottom of the mound
  9.   Climb up the mound (as many reps as you like/manage)
  10.   Go down the left hand track which will meet up with the previous path to the metal gate
  11.   Follow the same route down the canal tow path back to the Castle Grounds and Skate Park

Warning: This run needs to be complete when there has been a dry spell as the Alvecote area is liable to flooding.

  1.  Left at tennis courts and over river bridge over River
  2.   Turn right on Ladybridge and go through iron gate on left.
  3.   Make your way to the right , following the river bank to last stile.
  4.   Over stile and follow path to metal gate at end.
  5.   Go over gate/stile and turn right – follow lane to Tame Otter pub.
  6.   Go through car park.
  7.   Turn left onto canal tow path.
  8.   Proceed on tow path all the way back to Peelers Way.
  9.   Make your way down Peelers Way back through Castle Grounds or through Snowdome
  1. Turn right at tennis courts and under canal bridge
  2.   Left – Follow path to Amington Arch
  3.   Go up road to Bolehall shops
  4.   Get onto canal towpath and head left towards Amington
  5.   Follow canal all the way to Alvecote marina
  6.   Turn right onto Robey’s Lane, up hill to B5000
  7.   Turn Right & follow B5000 to Glascote Road
  8.   Continue down to arches, cross road & follow path under subway
  9.   Follow canal back through Castle Grounds to Skate Park
  1.   Right along canal through Castle Grounds go under road bridge to Amington arch.
  2.   Continue ahead and turn first left down Moor Lane.
  3.   Follow road and dirt path to railway bridge.
  4.   Keep straight and follow path all the way (heading right) to junction.
  5.   Continue up slight climb – through gap in hedge.
  6.   Right and follow path – left at corner of field
  7.   Carry on down until reaching metal gate on right.
  8.   Go through or over gate heading for farm.
  9.   Cross metal bridge.  Turn left, over stile, through paddock.
  10.   Over stile then up concrete road to Ashby Road.
  11.   Turn right, cross road and head down farm track.
  12.   Follow track past cottage on right.
  13.   Approx 100m take fp to left through osr (oilseed rape).
  14.   Over footbridge, straight on over next field following hedge.
  15.   Over stile and across meadow, over stile, diagonally right through osr to stile, up steps.
  16.   Over stile, left over railway bridge then over stile on left, diagonally right over grass field.
  17.   Follow fp to Browns Lane, turn right to Wigginton Pub
  18.   Left down Wigginton Road to Fountain Junction.
  19.   Follow footpath round left to cross Ashby Road opposite QEMS school
  20.   Head into town past college, left onto Offa Drive, Saxon Drive.
  21.   Over river, left to steps and back to Skate Park via Canal
  1. Left past skate park.
  2.   Over green metal bridge, turn left under roadbridge.
  3.   Follow cycle path down Fazeley Road to traffic lights.
  4.   Turn left on Watling Street, over river, cross road and follow cycle path to Dosthill park.
  5.   Follow path straight through park, through small paddock, up hill through arable field.
  6.   Left through gate turning right onto Wigford Road, follow onto Church Road.
  7.   Cross A51 road, straight on Roseberry Road, left onto Sefton Road.
  8.   Right onto Cadogan Road to dead end.
  9.   Left onto cycle path parallel to railway, cross Hedging Lane, right to roundabout.
  10.   Left up Ninian Way, left down Watling Street to fazeley.
  11.   At cross roads and back to Skate Park as above.

Alternative route: at Ninian Way/Watling St roundabout, go straight over onto Marlborough Way, up to B5000 Glascote Road, turn left, down to arches, follow cycle path to wooden bridge and Snowdome.

  1.   Right at tennis courts and follow castle grounds under canal bridge.
  2.   Turn left  & then turn right under road bridge.
  3.   Turn left up & climb the steps onto Bolebridge Street.
  4.   Turn right into Saxondrive.
  5.   Turn right at Kingdom Hall, under railway bridge, follow FP through Stationfields Caravan Park and under railway bridge.
  6.   Follow the footpath across three arable fields (barley)
  7.   Over two paddocks, another two arable fields(first one barley, second OSR)
  8.   Over paddock to Amington Hall Farm.
  9.   Climb over stile by metal river bridge, follow concrete road straight ahead until it turns sharp left.
  10.   At this point either follow Gate Gallop route (see separate description) or return by turning right and following footpath along hedge
  11.   Cross river on footbridge
  12.   Follow the footpath to gate and stile, over railway bridge
  13.   Go straight over at cross roads, right onto canal.
  14.   Follow canal back along to bridge onto Amington Road, follow Amington Road to Arches
  15.   Take path by canal back to Skate Park

Please note: This run does not start at the Snowdome

  1. From layby, enter woods and follow footpath (keeping pigs on the left). At junction of bridlepaths, head straight on so the woods are on the right and open fields on left, skirting round the edge of the woods until you reach the canal.
  2. Cross canal and turn left. Follow towpath to Whittington. At first canal bridge (Whittington road), leave towpath, go over canal bridge and immediate left onto footpath towards white farmhouse. Follow footpath down side of house (riding school on left) until you reach Whittington ranges.
  3. FP goes right, but you need to head left along path, diagonally left over open land until you reach tarmac road. Follow road left until just before shooting range.
  4. Take small path to right, along edge of field, to join main bridleway back to Hopwas woods.
  5. At junction turn right and retrace route to layby.

Please note: This run does not start at the Snowdome

  1. From layby at top of Hopwas Hill, take footpath left over meadow to join quarry road. Turning right, follow road to end and take bridlepath to left.
    Follow bridlepath along edge of quarry, straight on to join Heart of England Way, over new A5, through farmyard, turning right on old A5, before taking first left.
  2. Follow Heart of England Way over three fields (including hill!) to stile, cross one more field, turning left at stile, follow track to join Canwell estate road.
  3. Turn left, follow road back towards Hints. Take footpath to left shortly after crossing stream, following path through woods and two fields to rejoin Heart of England Way.
  4. Turn right and retrace route back to layby.

Please note: This run does not start at the Snowdome

  1. Meet up at the Old Crown pub, Wigginton.
  2. Run is out and back along Syerscote Lane to Haunton village.
  3. All tarmac, quiet country lane.
  4. Pub afterwards!

Please note: This run does not start at the Snowdome

  1. Meet up at Hopwas Hill layby.
  2. From layby, follow bridleway through Hopwas Woods and over Firing Ranges to cross Common Lane, Whittington.
  3. Follow footpath over one field, then take path on left across field, to join path and turn right around edge of wood until you reach Sandy Lane.
  4. Turn left and follow Sandy Lane until you meet Whittington Common Road, then run on path parallel to WCR, until you meet A51.
  5. Turn right for 500m on A51, then cross road, and left onto Heart of England Way.
  6. Follow this path for approx. 2 miles, to cross Jerry’s Lane, then straight on to join Knox’s Grave Lane path.
  7. Turn left, heading up to Hopwas Quarry, taking left stile at top of tarmac road, back to layby.
  1. From the Snowdome, head over wooden bridge, turn left and follow path to Amington arches. Continue up Amington Rd to join canal at bridge.
  2. Turn left and follow towpath to Alvecote Marina.
  3. Turn left over railway bridge and along road through Alvecote to road junction.
  4. Turn right, keep on road over river bridge (narrow/one way traffic/care needed!)
  5. Turn left along Laundry Lane.*
  6. Take path on right through trees to Statfold Farm.
  7. Turn left down track and follow to next stile.**
  8. Over stile, run straight on, keeping hedge on left, over footbridge across river, to follow path over meadow straight on to gate.
  9. Through gate and stile, straight on over railway bridge and past houses, to rejoin canal towpath (right).
  10. Retrace route back to Snowdome

* At this point, route can be shortened by turning left and following path through two fields, over stile, across another field, over stream, farm track back to join route above at **

  1. From car park, head to River Anker and follow cycle path to railway viaduct. Take steps to right and follow footpath past Lidl, Aldi until railway station.
  2. Turn right at Kingdom Hall, under railway bridge into Stationfields park, turn left and follow public footpath along side of River Anker (below new housing estate) until you reach a wooden footbridge. Do not cross the bridge!
  3. Turn left and follow footpath until Meadow Way. Cross road and follow cut through path diagonally opposite. Turn left and cross road, then take cycle path first right which brings you out by playground (left) and new school (right).
  4. Over railway footbridge, cross Ashby Road and follow Brown’s Lane to junction by Wigginton pub.
  5. Turn right and follow road into Wigginton. Turn left by war memorial and follow Comberford Lane to junction with Comberford Road. EXTREME CARE at blind left corner as you leave Wigginton.
  6. At Comberford Road, turn right and keep on lawned path (40m) then cross road EXTREME CARE (speeding cars and poor visibility) and follow bridlepath to railway footbridge.
  7. Go over railway footbridge and turn left. Follow concrete track until unsigned footpath across fields on right.
  8. Follow footpath across fields and track to join Coton Lane.
  9. Turning right, cross Coton Lane and then left at Fox Inn.
  10. Follow Lichfield Road back into town, turn right at traffic lights by council offices onto Holloway and back into Castle Grounds.

Route approx. 7.5 miles.

  1. From Wigginton pub, go down Brown’s Lane and cross Ashby Road, over railway footbridge,
    follow path with school on LHS. At bottom, turn left and first right onto ‘cut through’
    pathway, cross road onto Yarrow Close, then keep left until footbridge on left. Cross
    footbridge, up through trees then into field. Keep to top path through meadow, then
    straight across field (ignore path to left and right) at broken stile, through gap in hedge, turn
    right then left (keeping river on rhs). Follow this path through kissing gate, across meadow,
    over stile and another meadow until metal bridge at Amington Hall Farm.
  2. Through gate (or stile) go straight on (do not cross river!), then as road bears left turn left
    and follow path across grass with trees on lhs, through kissing gate and over stream, keep
    left with trees on lhs until path rejoins Gate Gallop route. Follow GG route until junction at
    Statfold Barn farm.
  3. Turn left and run down drive, then turn left at Ashby Road junction (run on the grass verge!),
    EXTREME CARE cross Ashby Road and run down Clifton Lane until track on LHS. Turn left
    down track until large tree before house, turn left onto public footpath and follow path until
    junction with farm track.
  4. Turn right on farm track and keep on track (through gate, over two cattle grids, one stile on
    RHS). Follow path until it comes out on Syerscote Lane at Cherryfield Cottage.
  5. Turn left and follow Syerscote Lane back into Wigginton village.
  6. Turn left at junction and follow road through Sill Green and back to Wigginton pub on LHS.

Route approx. 6.5 miles.